
Global CSS settings, jQuery plugins and fundamental HTML elements.


Get into Furatto bare bones structure, including the Mobile First approach we took.

HTML 5 doctype

Mobile First

Back in version 1, we added the meta tag for adjusting the viewport width for the current device. We have added some other patterns and baked it all together in order to be mobile friendly from the start.

You can disable the zooming capabilities on mobile devices by adding maximun-scale=1 and user-scalable=no, this way your site will feel a bit more like a native application. Use it with care, as it is not always the best approach.

Global settings

Furatto applies some basic global settings for, typography, links, and body itself. Some of these:

  • Remove margin and padding on body.
  • Set a default background to the body.
  • Set a base font face (Lato), font size and base line height.
  • Reset default link behavior via setting a color and apply underline on :hover.

Check out the typography and base SCSS files for more information.

Absolute position

Furatto uses two main containers for displaying the content, a .panels container and a .panel-content both are absolute positioned. This is important, because the .panel-content element works now as your body, so if you plan to add a jQuery plugin, attach the event from the body to the .panel-content class name element.

The .panels element is the one in charge of the left sliding panel.


In order to improve cross-browser rendering, we use Normalize.css which is an open-source project by Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal as an alternative for HTML 5 resets.


Furatto comes with fully responsive fluid system which scales up to 12 columns. It is generated using predefined classes for more semantic layouts, as well as mixins. Below 767px viewports, the columns become fluid and stack vertically.

The twelve columns are distributed with a equitable width and margin, which make it very easy to build dashboard. It is important to put the columns on a row div class element.


Building the markup

For a simple three column layout just add the row class name and add the correct number of col-* columns. The col-* class name for the columns comes from the 1 to the 12 as is a 12 column grid.

Nesting columns

When comes to nesting Furatto helps you add multiple column div elements. You just have to add a row class into an existing col-* column. The nested rows should also match 12 columns, you can see it as if is another row element.

I'm a col-9 class column

I'm a col-6 column
I'm a col-6 column

I'm a col-3 class column


To keep Furatto as clean and extensible as possible, we did not add any typographic styles over what's on Normalize. This means that you get many elements, such as headings, lists, which style is easy to override.


Headings from 1 to 6. Font size decreases from ~44px to ~13px.

h1. heading

Font size ~44px

h2. heading

Font size ~36px

h3. heading

Font size ~28px

h4. heading

Font size ~20px

h5. heading

Font size ~16px

h6. heading

Font size ~13.6px

Body copy

Furatto comes with global default settings font-size is 16px with a line-height of 20px. In addition to that the body receives a 10px margin-bottom.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Light body copy

In order to hightlight a text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


It is really easy to change this default settings, which are setup on _variables.scss as $base-font-size and $base-line-height. We play around with these two values to set other values around the Furatto backbone, so you can customize them and see how the framework adapts.

Small text

For small inline texts or block of texts, you can use the <small> tag, which is 85% the size of the parent.

This is a small text, probably a good use is to highlight text.

Bold text

To give a bold to a text, you can use the <strong>.

This is a snippet to bold this chunk of text.

Italic text

To emphasize text you should use the em tag.

This is a snippet to emphasize a text.

Alignment classes

In Furatto is really easy to align text with the alignment classes.

Left text

Center text

Right text

Emphasis classes

Convenient emphasis classes for a more meaningful end.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing eli.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing eli.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing eli.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing eli.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing eli.


List comes in many flavors, ordered lists, unordered lists. Thanks to Normalize all these elements have a basic styling and cross-browser consistency. you can extend them in your application.


  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3
    • Sub list item 1
    • Sub list item 2
    • Sub list item 3
      • Sub list item 1
      • Sub list item 2
      • Sub list item 3


  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. List item 3
    1. Sub list item 1
    2. Sub list item 2
    3. Sub list item 3
      1. Sub list item 1
      2. Sub list item 2
      3. Sub list item 3


Remove the list-style and the left margin.

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3
    • Sub list item 1
    • Sub list item 2
    • Sub list item 3


Place all list items into a single line with display: inline-block and some padding added.

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3

Definition lists

A list of terms with their associated descriptions.

Definition term
Definition description
Definition term
Definition description
Definition description
Definition term
Definition term
Definition description


For quoting content you can use use the blockquoute with the content-quote class name.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


To style an HTML table, just add the table class name. The class normalizes the table and makes it look very clean. The reason to add the class name, is to prevent other plugins such as calendars and date pickers to break.

# Name Twitter
1 Abraham Kuri @kurenn
2 Icalia Labs @icalialabs
3 Furatto @ifuratto

Condensed table

A condensed table just look a little bit smaller by just reducing the padding on the headers a table data tags. Just add the table-condensed class name.

# Name Twitter
1 Abraham Kuri @kurenn
2 Icalia Labs @icalialabs
3 Furatto @ifuratto

Striped table

Large tables are easier to read when some rows are more visible than others. To do so just add the 'table-striped' classname to the table. Just add the table-striped.

# Name Twitter
1 Abraham Kuri @kurenn
2 Icalia Labs @icalialabs
3 Furatto @ifuratto

Bordered table

In order to add vertical and horizontal borders to all cells in a table, just add the table-bordered class name.

# Name Twitter
1 Abraham Kuri @kurenn
2 Icalia Labs @icalialabs
3 Furatto @ifuratto

Responsive tables

Thanks to the Zurb guys we have responsive tables ready to rock, just add the responsive classname to the table

# Name Twitter
1 Abraham Kuri @kurenn
2 Icalia Labs @icalialabs
3 Furatto @ifuratto

Emphasis classes

You can have colorful table rows by adding the correct class name to the tr element. Just a gotcha, don't add the table-striped class name.

Class name Description
tr-info Indicates a neutral state.
tr-success Indicates a successful state.
tr-warning Indicates a warning state that might need attention.
tr-danger Indicates a dangerous state.


Every elemento on a form receives a default behavior. All input, textarea with a input-block have a 100% with. Wrap labels and inputs in a form-fields class name for btter spacing.

Inline form

To get an inline form, it is as simple as call inline-form. Probably you want to use this as a search form for example.

Horizontal form

To get an horizontal form, it is as simple as call horizontal-form.


All native support for inputs are included in Furatto, including for all the HTML 5 types: datetime, datetime-local, date, month, month, time, week, number, email, url, search, tel, color.

Input states

Furatto includes several input states to use them in the right cases.

Input focus

The outline styles are removed and a blue border is applied in its place for :focus

Input disabled

For disableing and input or make it not editable just add the disabled attribute.

Validation states

Furatto comes with validation styles, for error, warning, and success input forms. Any label, input or hint text will get the validation style.

This is correct!
This is a warning!
This is an error!


You can add the input-block class name to make the text area be 100% width and just change the rows attribute as necessary.


Input sizes

To change the width for an input, we added helpful class names for you to play around. The width of the input is limited by the parent container.

Help text

Block level help text for inputs.

This is a helping block for an input, which breaks into a new line.


It is really simple to create a button, just add the btn class name to any a or button element.

You can use any of the buttons flavors furatto provides.

Button sizes

Need bigger or smaller buttons?, Furatto comes with 5 different sizes to meet your needs.

Block level buttons

Disable buttons

You can mark a button as disabled just by adding the btn-disabled class or the disabled attribute.

Alpha buttons

Furatto provides an alpha version for each button, like the one you see in the landing. It is necessary to add a background color on the button container. Just hover the buttons to see the effect running.

Buttons with icons


Images become responsive by just adding the img class name. Just keep in mind the rounded corners on IE 8.

iOS devices

Whenever you want the circular image to be also polaroid, you will have to wrap the img element into a div with class name of img-frame and add img-circular to this element.

Helpful classes

Simple and functional classes on behavior tweaks.


Floats an element to the left.


Floats an element to the right.


Clears the float on any element.


Transforms the text to uppercase.

Responsive utilities

Furatto provides class names to accelerate the mobile-friendly development, by showing or hiding the content by device managed by media queries.

Available classes

Furatto provides some responsive utilities for you to hide or show content depending on the screen size is rendering. Credits go to Bootstrap.

Extra small devices
screen size < 768px
Small devices
screen size < 992px
Medium devices
screen size < 1200px
Large devices
screen size > 1200px
visible-xs Visible Hidden Hidden Hidden
visible-sm Hidden Visible Hidden Hidden
visible-md Hidden Hidden Visible Hidden
visible-lg Hidden Hidden Hidden Visible
hidden-xs Hidden Visible Visible Visible
hidden-sm Visible Hidden Visible Visible
hidden-md Visible Visible Hidden Visible
hidden-lg Visible Visible Visible Hidden