Responsive utilities

Furatto provides class names to accelerate the mobile-friendly development, by showing or hiding the content by device managed by media queries.

Visibility class names

Furatto provides some responsive utilities for you to hide or show content depending on the screen size is rendering. Credits go to Bootstrap.

Width < 768px Width < 992px Width < 1200px Width > 1200px
visible-on-xsmall Visible Hidden Hidden Hidden
visible-on-small Hidden Visible Hidden Hidden
visible-on-medium Hidden Hidden Visible Hidden
visible-on-large Hidden Hidden Hidden Visible
hidden-on-xsmall Hidden Visible Visible Visible
hidden-on-small Visible Hidden Visible Visible
hidden-on-medium Visible Visible Hidden Visible
hidden-on-large Visible Visible Visible Hidden

Orientation visibility

Furatto also provides orientation visibility utilities for you to keep on going.

Name Description
show-on-portrait Displays the content when the device is on portrait orientation.
show-on-landscape Displays the content when the device is on landscape orientation.
hide-on-portrait Hides the content when the device is on portrait orientation.
hide-on-landscape Hides the content when the device is on landscape orientation.

Available variables

Feel like you need mor customization, you can override our variables to achieve it.

// General settings
$media-display: "only screen" !default;

// Responsive screen sizes
$extra-small-screen: 34.28571429rem !default;
$extra-small-screen-max: 34.21428571rem !default;
$extra-small-media: "(max-width: #{$extra-small-screen-max})" !default;

$small-screen: 54.85714286rem !default;
$small-screen-max: 54.78571429rem !default;
$small-screen-media: "(max-width: #{$small-screen-max})" !default;
$small-screen-range: "(min-width: #{$small-screen}) and (max-width: #{$small-screen-max})" !default;

$medium-screen: 70.85714286rem !default;
$medium-screen-max: 70.78571429rem !default;
$medium-screen-range: "(min-width: #{$medium-screen}) and (max-width: #{$medium-screen-max})" !default;

$large-screen: 85.71428571rem !default;
$large-screen-range: "(min-width: #{$large-screen})" !default;

// Responsive screen orientations
$portrait-media: "#{$media-display} and (orientation: portrait)" !default;
$landscape-media: "#{$media-display} and (orientation: landscape)" !default;